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Daily Lawlessness and Impunity


In discussions with local authorities regarding the rampant lawlessness occurring within their jurisdiction, the responses are deeply concerning. Often, officials will either deny that these acts have taken place, labeling victims as liars, or they will admit, without hesitation, their inability to address these grievances or prevent future occurrences. Alternatively, they may question why victims do not report their complaints to the proper authorities.

The Fear of Retaliation

The answer to this question is straightforward: while many do attempt to voice their concerns where they can, fear often silences them. Most individuals understand that complaining is not only futile but could also be perilous. For example, what would be the point of reporting a grievance against Galib Bey of Tamboli to the Kaimakam, who appears nearly as intimidated by Galib Bey as the common people? This reflects a power dynamic that renders the authorities ineffective and leaves the victims i

Systematic Violence and Oppression in the Region


The ongoing violence and oppression faced by the local population are alarming. Two men from Mishka approached us, sharing that there is not a single day without acts of violence, particularly targeting women. This pervasive atmosphere of fear is emblematic of the broader issues affecting the region.

Inhumane Treatment and Extortion

Near Tatar Bazardjik, we encountered a group of a dozen men tied together in pairs, guarded by three or four zaptiehs. They were being transported to Tatar Bazardjik, where Mr. Schuyler uncovered troubling evidence regarding one Ali Bey. This man, wielding some form of unrecognized authority, was known to arrest wealthy individuals on unfounded charges of belonging to the Insurrectionary Committee. Once imprisoned, these men faced various forms of maltreatment, ultimately being coerced into paying ransoms ranging from fifteen to fifty pounds for their release The Aftermath of Destruction.


The Aftermath of Destruction


Total Devastation

In the wake of recent events, the devastation in the village is staggering. There were once 700 houses here, yet not a single one remains standing. The Mudir informed us that only about fifty families are in a position to rebuild their homes or create any substitutes. They are utterly devoid of resources, leaving them to ponder how they will survive the impending winter. This village was primarily engaged in the cultivation of roses and the production of attar of roses, with around 130 to 150 small factories and approximately 500 copper boilers dedicated to distilling rose petals.

Systematic Pillaging

These retorts, each valued at around £10, represented an aggregate capital of £5,000, all of which was confiscated by their Turkish neighbors under the command of the notorious Tassum Bey. The extent of the looting was comprehensive; not only was furniture stolen and livestock driven away, but even the tiles from the roofs were carted off. A

Challenges in Augmenting Language


Challenges in Augmenting Language Corpora with Syntactic Information: A Focus on Bulgarian Verbs


The creation of language corpora enriched with linguistic information occurs in an environment where researchers grapple with the interaction between paradigmatic knowledge representation and the syntagmatic properties of real-life language usage. This challenge becomes particularly evident in the initial stages of developing a syntactic treebank, where morphosyntactic annotation and shallow parsing intersect Highlights from Seventeenth Conference. While much attention has been given to entities like dates, titles, names, and addresses in the context of this interdependence, less research has focused on predicates compared to named entities and nominal objects.

Focus on Verbs in Bulgarian

This paper aims to address the complexities surrounding Bulgarian verbs, specifically two aspects of

Highlights from Seventeenth Conference


Highlights from the Seventeenth Interparliamentary Conference in Geneva

Mr. Henri Fazy, an esteemed statesman and president of the Swiss State Council, warmly welcomed the delegates, extending greetings on behalf of Geneva and the entire country.

On the first day, two pivotal questions were deliberated. The first question revolved around whether the Union should exclusively consist of members from national parliaments or continue admitting members from certain states within empires, akin to some German states. The debate saw participation from prominent delegates, with differing views on the extent of membership privilege. The matter was conclusively addressed the following day, adopting a proposition from the Union’s council The Seventeenth Interparliamentary Conference at Geneva. It stipulated that only subordinate states with foreign departments, like certain German states, should have rep

The Seventeenth Interparliamentary Conference at Geneva


The Seventeenth Conference of the Interparliamentary Union took place in Geneva from September 18 to 20. Unfortunately, various factors, including the lateness of the season, impacted the attendance, with only 160 participants, a significant drop from previous conferences that often saw three or four times that number. The United States group had only four representatives, including Senator T. E. Burton Challenges in Augmenting Language, Congressmen Richard Bartholdt, Frank Plumley, and William D. B. Ainey, compared to fifteen or twenty in previous years. The absence of Italian representatives due to the war in Tripoli also contributed to the reduced numbers.

Distinguished delegates

Despite these challenges, the conference proved to be strong and successful. Distinguished delegates included Mr. Beernaert, a Belgian statesman; Baron d’Estournelles de Constant from France; Mr. Louis Franck, Senators La Fontaine and Ho

Landmarks in Simple Language


Historical Writings and Landmarks in Simple Language

Prohibition at the Temple Court

“No Gentile may pass beyond the railing into the court round the Temple; he who is caught trespassing will bring death upon himself.”

There was a rule that only certain people could enter the Temple courtyard. If someone who wasn’t allowed entered, it was considered a serious offense Sumptuous Seafood Creations, and they might face severe consequences.

Pottery from Cadesh and Jerusalem

Also some pottery from Cadesh and Jerusalem.

In addition, there were pottery items discovered from Cadesh and Jerusalem. These artifacts might provide insights into the history and culture of these places.

Restoration by Emperor Emmanuel

“This divine work, which time had defaced, was restored by the pious Emperor Emmanuel.”

A significant piece of work that had been damaged ov

Sumptuous Seafood Creations


Bonito with Oranges A Citrusy Delight


1 fresh bonito, cut in thick slices
1/2 cup orange juice
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup wine vinegar
2 bay leaves
1 tsp red and green peppercorns
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 bunch fresh dill

Divide the cleaned bonito into eight portions.
Mix orange juice, lemon juice, wine vinegar, bay leaves, and peppercorns in a pot.
Place the bonito portions in the marinade and let it sit for 6 hours.
Garnish with dill, drizzle with olive oil, and serve Savory Seafood Delights Three Irresistible Recipes.

Swordfish Stew with Unripe Green Grapes A Unique Blend


4 swordfish steaks (200g each)
2 bay leaves
1 bunch of unripe green grapes
2 tbsp cream
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground white pepper
3 green onions, chopped
2 tbsp butt

Savory Seafood Delights Three Irresistible Recipes


Fried Fish Balls A Crispy Delight


2 fresh bonito, de-boned
1 egg
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/4 bunch flat-leaf parsley, chopped fine
2 tbsp bread crumbs
1 onion, grated
Flour for dipping
Olive oil for frying the fish balls


Clean and de-bone the bonito, then grind or chop finely.
Place the fish in a mixing bowl and add egg, salt, pepper, grated onion, parsley, and bread crumbs. Knead the mixture well.
Form the mixture into balls, dip in flour, and fry in hot olive oil.
Serve with fresh rocket (arugula) leaves, red onion, and lemon.

Blue Fish en Papillote Buttery Goodness Wrapped in Filo


1 fresh blue fish
2 sheets of yufka (Turkish filo, sold in 20×20 cm leaves)
50g butter
1 bay leaf
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper


Place the bay leaf inside the cleaned blue fish,



Preserving Heritage Homes

Architectural Charm in the City Center

The distinctive feature of Kars’ old houses, located in the city center, is their composition of multiple buildings surrounding a courtyard. Noteworthy structures such as the Government Mansion, utilized in the early years of the Republic, and primary schools still stand today. While some old houses remain in good condition, others await restoration, having hosted events like balls and theater plays since the Republic’s inception Read More about THE SILK ROAD. Preserving these historical buildings is vital for passing on their legacy to future generations.


Kars’ Dual Growth Engine

Cultivating Tourism and Agriculture

Kars’ progress hinges on the synergy between tourism and agriculture. Yusuf I§ik, General Manager of Himalaya Tourism, underscores Kars’ tourism potential, citing its rich

Isperih Asparuh

