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Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 6

Had he not done so he would have been impious, unjust, cruel a tyrant. It is well known that Berengar and Adalbert, becoming his vassals, had received the kingdom of Italy with a golden...

Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 5

“It would have been right for us, nay, we had wished to receive you kindly and with honor; but the impiety of your master does not permit it since, invading it as an enemy,...

Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 4

But on the eighth day before the Ides (June 6), on the Saturday before Pentecost, I was led into the presence of his brother Leo, the marshal of the court, and chancellor; and there...

Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 3

It was upon the princess Theophano that the hopes of the emperor were fixed, and it was thought that Nicephorus would give Apulia and Calabria as her dowry. It was to arrange this matter...

Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 2

Nevertheless, in the mid-tenth century the productive hinterland of Constantinople was no longer trampled under the boots of Bulgarian troops. Perhaps the most significant indication of the new status quo is the absence of...

Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 1

Byzantine Relations with Northern Peoples in the Tenth CenturyIntroductionByzantine relations with Bulgaria were complicated in the early years of the tenth century: more complicated than many historians have allowed.The Bulgarian Tsar Symeon (c. 894-927)...

Bulgaria Vacations

Khans, Tzars, Orpheus, Spartacus, Thracians, Levski, Botev … All of them start with capital `B` for Bulgaria. These are also the places that you can see on your Bulgaria vacations.Bulgaria is the Thracians –...

Bulgaria trips

Since antiquity different tribes and peoples have inhabited the territory of Bulgaria. The country`s many ancient settlements and burial mounds are a proof of that. Present-day Bulgaria was also a cradle of some of...

Mystical Bulgaria Tours

Bulgaria is one of the best places you can visit and really enjoy. It`s a small country but profoundly rich in history and amazing nature. This is due to the many miracles it hides...

Coastal Bulgaria holidays

Working is part of man`s nature. Relaxing is as well. Some love the silence, peacefulness of the mountain while others are absolute lovers of the water, and noisy places with many people. They love...

Balkan tours 2018


Grand Bazaar

