Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 37
And when, after twenty days, I did go away, from there, that man to whom I had given the carpet ordered the ship’s master,...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 18
Already last year I wished to do this, but hearing that your master intended to invade the territory of our empire, letting the Assyrians...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 45
Bardas, although a prisoner in our hands, is not exposed, as Your captives are, to mutilation; his presence in the capital is the best...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 44
I said this: “Ibn al-Bakilani came to no agreement with you; it was Ibn Kunis who made this compact and took a copy of...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 43
From this nobility are descended those men whom you style ‘rulers of the world.’ But we Lombards, Saxons, Franks, Lotharingians, Bavarians, Swabians and Burgundians,...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 41
“It is past seven o’clock,” said Nicephorus “and there is a church procession which I must attend. Let us keep to the business before...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 40
“But,” said be, “there is one of Adalbert’s vassals here, and he does not acknowledge the truth of this.” “If he denies it,” I...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 39
To him I made this reply: “My master did not invade the city of Rome by force nor as a tyrant; he freed her...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 38
He called you not emperor, which is Basileus in his tongue, but insultingly Rex, which is king in ours. I told him that the...
Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 36
Leaving Leucate, their, on the nineteenth day before the Calends of January (Dec. 14), and navigating ourselves since, as we said above, our sailors...