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Tag: Daily Lawlessness and Impunity

Daily Lawlessness and Impunity


In discussions with local authorities regarding the rampant lawlessness occurring within their jurisdiction, the responses are deeply concerning. Often, officials will either deny that these acts have taken place, labeling victims as liars, or they will admit, without hesitation, their inability to address these grievances or prevent future occurrences. Alternatively, they may question why victims do not report their complaints to the proper authorities.

The Fear of Retaliation

The answer to this question is straightforward: while many do attempt to voice their concerns where they can, fear often silences them. Most individuals understand that complaining is not only futile but could also be perilous. For example, what would be the point of reporting a grievance against Galib Bey of Tamboli to the Kaimakam, who appears nearly as intimidated by Galib Bey as the common people? This reflects a power dynamic that renders the authorities ineffective and leaves the victims i

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