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The Accession of Alexius and Interfamily Power Struggles. I directly the Comneni had taken possession of the palace they dispatched to the Emperor their niece’s husband, Michael, who later became Logothete of the private treasure. With him went a certain Rhadinus who was then Prefect of the city, and by them the Emperor was conducted into a barque and taken a short distance to the famous Monastery of the Peribleptos where they both urged him to don the monastic habit. He, however, wished to defer this for a time, but they in their dread lest a rebellion should be manoeuvred by those two slaves and the soldiers from Coma during the prevailing disorder and confusion, urgently counselled him to be tonsured, and he yielded to their persuasions and forthwith assumed the “dress of angels.”

The Accession of Alexius and Interfamily Power Struggles – Such is Fortune’s way! At one moment she exalts a man when she wishes to smile on him, and places a kingly diadem on his head, and purple shoes on his feet; at the next she frowns upon him, and in place of diadems and purple she clothes him in black rags. And this is what happened to the Emperor Botaniates. When asked once by an acquaintance if he easily bore the change, he replied, “Abstinence from meat is the only thing that bothers me, as for the rest I care very little.”
Queen Maria
In the meantime Queen Maria with her son, Constantine (whom she had by the ex-emperor Michael Ducas) still stayed on in the palace, for she was anxious about her fair-haired Menelaus, as the poet says; and her relationship gave her quite sufficient excuse for remaining, although there were some who, prompted by envy, suggested other reasons, and said she had anticipated matters by making one of the Comneni her son-in-law, and the other her adopted son.


The Accession of Alexius and Interfamily Power Struggles part 8

The most surprising feature, seldom found in other women, was that she abashed the audacious, but by a single glance gave fresh courage to those abashed by fear. Her lips were generally closed, and...

The Accession of Alexius and Interfamily Power Struggles part 7

His broad shoulders, muscular arms, mighty chest, in fact his generally heroic appearance, evoked in the multitude the greatest admiration and pleasure. From his whole person emanated beauty and grace and dignity, and an...

The Accession of Alexius and Interfamily Power Struggles part 6

He had already in former times been a frequent visitor to the mother of the Comneni and had predicted her son’s rise to the throne. She was in any case fond of monks, and...

The Accession of Alexius and Interfamily Power Struggles part 5

By use of the above-mentioned arguments the Caesar soothed and appeased the Emperor’s mind, although many advised him to marry Eudocia. Of her it was whispered that in her desire to become “Empress” for...

The Accession of Alexius and Interfamily Power Struggles part 4

And the Caesar, John Ducas, was anxious to get rid of Queen Maria, and – drive her out of the palace as quickly as possible, and thus allay people’s unjust suspicions, so first he...

The Accession of Alexius and Interfamily Power Struggles part 3

II And now, as I said above, many people were suspicious of the Queen’s staying in the palace, and began to whisper that the present holder of the sceptre would take her in marriage....

The Accession of Alexius and Interfamily Power Struggles part 2

He was fair-haired with a milk-white complexion, suffused in the right places with a delicate pink, like that of a rose just bursting its sheath ; his eyes were not light, but gleamed from...

The Accession of Alexius and Interfamily Power Struggles part 1

The Accession of Alexius and Interfamily Power StrugglesI directly the Comneni had taken possession of the palace they dispatched to the Emperor their niece’s husband, Michael, who later became Logothete of the private treasure....

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