Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 28


“But the pope,” I said, “whose simplicity is his title to renown, thought he was writing this to the honor of the emperor, not to his shame. We know, of course, that Constantine, the Roman emperor, came hither with the Roman knighthood, and founded this city in his name; but because you changed your language, your customs, and your dress, the most holy pope thought that the name of the Romans as well as their dress would displease you. He will show this, if he lives, in his future letters ; for they shall be addressed as follows: ‘John, the Roman pope, to Nicephorus, Constantine, Basilius, the great and august emperors of the Romans! ” And now mark, I beg, why I said this.

Invite Nicephorus to a synod

Nicephorus came to the throne through perjury and adultery. And since the salvation of all Christians -pertains to the care of the Roman pope, let the lord pope send to Nicephorus au epistle altogether like to those sepulchers which without are whited, within are full of dead men’s bones; within let him show to him how through perjury and adultery he has obtained the rule over his masters let him invite Nicephorus to a synod, and, if he do not come, let him hurl the anathema at him. But if the address be not as I have said, it will never reach him.

But to return to the matter in hand. When the princes I have mentioned heard from me the aforesaid promise concerning the address, not suspecting any guile: “We thank you,” the said, ” oh bishop. It is worthy of your wisdom to act as mediator in so great a matter. You are the only one of the Franks whom we now love; but when at your behest they shall have corrected what is evil, they also shall be loved. And when you shall come to us again you shall not go away unrewarded.”

I said to myself : “If I ever come back here again, may Nicephorus present me with a crown and a golden scepter!”

“But tell us,” they continued, ” does your most holy master wish to close with the emperor a treaty of friendship through marriage?”

Read More about Report of his Mission to Constantinople part 5