That Brute Simmons part 3


“Ho yus,” she retorted, “you`re very consid`rit I dessay sittin` there actin` a livin` lie before your own wife, Thomas Simmons, as though I couldn`t see through you like a book; a lot you care about overworkin` me as long as your turn`s served throwin` away money like dirt in the street on a lot o` swindling tailors an` me workin` an` slavin` `ere to save a `apenny an` this is my return for it ; any one `ud think you could pick up money in the `orseroad an` I b`lieve I`d be thought better of if I laid in bed all day like some would, that I do.” So that Thomas Simmons avoided the subject, nor even murmured when she resolved to cut his hair.Summer eveningSo his placid fortune endured for years. Then there came a golden summer evening when Mrs. Simmons betook herself with a basket to do some small shopping, and Simmons was left at home. He washed and put away the tea-things, and then he fell to meditating on a new pair of trousers, finished that day and hanging behind the parlor door. There they hung, in all their decent innocence of shape in the seat, and they were shorter of leg, longer of waist, and wilder of pattern than he had ever worn before.And as he looked on them the small devil of original sin awoke and clamored in his breast. He was ashamed of it, of course, for well he knew the gratitude he owed his wife for those same trousers, among other blessings. Still, there the small devil was, and the small devil was fertile in base suggestions, and could not be kept from hinting at the new crop of workshop gibes that would spring at Tommy`s first public appearance in such things.“Pitch `em in the dust-bin!” said the small devil, at last; “it`s all they`re fit for.”Simmons turned away in sheer horror of his wicked self, and for a moment thought of washing the tea-things over again by way of discipline. Then he made for the back room, but saw from the landing that the front door was standing open, probably by the fault of the child downstairs. Now, k front door standing open was a thing that Mrs. Simmons would not abide; it looked low. So Simmons went down, that she might not be wroth with him for the thing when she came back; and, as he shut the door, he looked forth into the street.

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